The Raiders are a band of cutthroats, murderers, vermin, pirates, assassins, and...well...Raiders!
We are a galactic menace and a pain to all who do not ally themselves to our cause! We roam the galaxy looking for the weak and helpless! We prey on simple minded fools and we covertly sabotage galactic superpowers!
I had a dream that one day the galaxy would be ruled by those who abuse it! Those who don't know right, only wrong! That my friends is why i urge you to stand up and join! Join The Raiders and fight for freedom to do whatever the heck you want to the simpletons of the galaxy! We are destined to rule the galaxy! We will overthrow the powers that rule the galaxy!
Why? Well that's "because we're better than you!"
Join Here: Current Allies:
The Kzintzi Empire
Our Current (permanent) Enemies:
The Geckodon Alliance